Empowering Public Safety with the Tools to Keep our Community Safe.


As a 501(C)-3 This Foundation appreciates your generous donations. These donations are tax deductible annually and our efforts to support these men and women will never end.

Established for the Sole Purpose of Supporting the Public Safety Department Personnel of Grosse Pointe Park

  • Grosse Pointe Park city limits have a substantial boundary that abuts to areas of noted higher crime rates requiring increased monitoring.

  • By acquiring current technology and updated equipment our officers will have increased capabilities to continue to ensure the safety of residents.

  • Grosse Pointe Park leadership is committed to exploring alternative funding in addition to the grant process.

The GPP Public Safety Foundation is dedicated to supporting The Park’s first responders through advancing training, technology, equipment, community engagement, and wellness. Thereby enhancing the overall welfare of Grosse Pointe Park residents, business partners, and visitors.


We are proud to announce with the amazing support of our community, the Grosse Pointe Park Public Safety Foundation has been able to fund the acquisition of quality equipment for our Public Safety Officers.

Thank you to those who supported these efforts and to our Mayor and City Council for creating an atmosphere where we can all participate.

September 2022:

$41,000 in funds were provided to purchase the Zoll Cardiac Monitor. A key piece of equipment that our officers utilize to identify the immediate health of citizens when they arrive on the scene.

March 2023:

The foundation allocated $27,000 to the Department to purchase much-needed Protective Vests for our officers.

July of 2023:

$32,000 was funded to supply our department with new Car and Body Cameras.

January of 2024:

$27,000 was funded to supply our department with advanced Drone Capabilities.

“Many thanks to the Grosse Pointe Park Public Safety Foundation members, and its Donors.

All greatly appreciate their service and generosity to this community and our Public Safety Officers' support. “

James A. Bostock - Director of Public Safety

Equipment Goals

Night Vision for Scout Cars (NOPTIC) -  Night vision technology enhances the safety and effectiveness of law enforcement operations during the night and low-light conditions.

  • Allows officers to see in complete darkness, through fog and smoke.

  • Enhances officer safety by providing clear images, detecting potential threats, and locating suspects and other endangered persons.

  • Allows officers to conduct surveillance without other light sources which otherwise might alert suspects to our presence.

  • Search and Rescue Operations

  • Crime prevention and detection.  It can detect and prevent crimes such as burglaries, thefts, and other illegal activities that are more likely to occur in the dark.


  • Upgrading our existing police and fire radios is critically important for several reasons including communication, ensuring officer safety, increasing operational efficiency, and enhancing operability.

  • Officer Safety – Upgraded radios have GPS tracking, emergency buttons, and better encryption.  GPS tracking allows dispatch to monitor officers’ locations in real-time, which can be crucial during emergencies.  Emergency buttons can send immediate distress signals, ensuring a rapid response if an officer is in trouble.

  • Interoperability – Modern radio systems are designed to be compatible with other agencies and jurisdictions.  This is particularly important during large-scale emergencies or multi-agency operations where seamless communication is vital.

Protecting our Citizens and Officers with the Best Equipment

Motorola Radios

Most departments around the country provide a portable personal radio for each individual officer.

GPP has one radio for every two officers which are rotated on a 24/7 basis between the different shifts.

These radios are approaching ten years of service life.

The long-term goal is to have one radio per officer as well as spares.

Each radio has a unique identifier (fingerprint) that will be assigned to an individual. If an officer is in trouble and only has enough time to press the ‘talk’ button, the identifier would let dispatch know whose prep radio was keyed. Each scout car is equipped with GPS, enabling Dispatch to pinpoint the officer’s exact location and send the appropriate resources.

Motorola Cameras: Body & Motor

Video recorded by body and in-car cameras help protect police officers and citizens against false accusations, claims of misconduct, or abuse.

Increases transparency and accountability of officers. May help prevent and de-escalate confrontational situations between officers and civilians. Improves officer training and evaluation.

Police body cameras provide visual and audio evidence that can independently verify events.

The Axon system (Mobile License Plate Reader) is a superior product that is presently used in Detroit, Southfield, Macomb, Chesterfield, Dearborn, and other local communities. Utilizing similar technology will provide access to all local and national data bases.

Drone Capability

How Can Law Enforcement Agencies Use Drones?

Law enforcement agencies are putting drones to use in various ways, including crime scene mapping and crowd monitoring. Drones give public safety the ability to view scenes from the air. 

Benefits include:

  • Accident reconstruction

  • Tracking suspect(s)

  • Heat signature tracking (The ability to separate human heat signals from fire heat for immediate rescue)

  • Aerial event monitoring and search and rescue

  • Applications for law enforcement & firefighting

Protective Vest / Body Armor

Made from Kevlar protects against ballistic (bullet) threats. Additional layers can even provide extra protection against certain rifle rounds. Over time, the Kevlar breaks down and loses its protective properties. Typically, manufacturers recommend replacing ballistic vests every 5 years.

We will be requiring regular funding to make sure these vest are available for new arrivals and when older vest lose the ability to protect as required.

Ballistic Shields

These protective shields provide cover from High Powered Rifles. Allowing officers to advance toward bad actors with these weapons quickly and safely. These shields can be very helpful in the event of a school shooting for example where speed to eliminate the threat is paramount.

Executive Level Training & Conferences

  • The highest quality executive level training for department leaders are typically held in cities that can accommodate the large number of attendees and product vendors.

  • Organizations such as the International Association of Chief’s of Police and FBI LEEDA attract leaders and vendors from all over the world.

  • Conferences bring together police leaders to discuss current issues challenging the profession and to identify meaningful solutions.

  • Promotes the exchange of information to improve law enforcement management practices through training, education, and networking among police professionals across the United States and beyond.

  • Allow 100% of the department training budget to be dedicated to the front-line public safety officers.


  • Cultural Competency and Diversity

  • Bias-free policing

  • Leadership

  • Community Relations

  • Victim Services

  • Human Trafficking

  • Domestic Violence Initiatives

  • Legal Updates.